/* * Copyright (c) 2016 Texas Instruments. All rights reserved. */ /* Newly added for UI */ .TIwebenchPanel { font-size: 12px; } .TIwebenchPanel td { padding:0; } #wbpanel .tbl { width:300px; border:1px solid #e0e0e0; } #wbpanel .tblheading { background:#f0f0f0; color:#333; padding:.5em; font-weight:600; } #wbpanel .innertblbg { margin:.5em 0; } #wbpanel .innertblbg table td { padding:.1em; white-space:nowrap; } #wbpanel .tbl input.disabled { text-align:center; width:60px; } #wbpanel .tbltr { background:#f0f0f0; padding:.5em; } #wbpanel .txtInputBox, .webenchd .txtInputBox { text-align:center; padding:0; } #wbpanel .txtselectbox, .webenchd .txtselectbox { text-align:left; font-size:12px; } .TIwebenchPanel .expanded { display:inline; } .TIwebenchPanel .collasped { display:none; } .WnavigationActive span { border:none; text-decoration:none; position:relative; z-index:10; top:2px; line-height:14px; padding:3px 0 0 0; margin:0; } .WnavigationInactive { border:none; border-top:6px solid #5e5e5e; text-decoration:none; position:relative; z-index:0; top:0; padding:0; margin:0; width:59px; } .WnavigationInactive span { display:block; background:#ebebeb; border:1px solid #5e5e5e; text-decoration:none; position:relative; z-index:0; top:2px; line-height:14px; padding:0 0 5px 0; margin:0; } .WnavigationHover { border:none; border-top:6px solid #5e5e5e; text-decoration:none; position:relative; width:59px; z-index:0; padding:0; margin:0; top:0; } .WnavigationHover span { display:block; text-decoration:none; background-color:#FFFFFF; border:1px solid #5e5e5e; color:#ea272a; line-height:14px; position:relative; z-index:0; top:2px;padding:0; margin:0; } .TIwebenchPanel .WnavigationActive { background:#fff; border:1px solid #5e5e5e; border-top:5px solid #ea272a; border-bottom:0; position:relative; z-index:10; width:59px; top:2px; } td.WTabnavigation span { display:block; font-size:12px; font-weight:bold; text-align:center; margin-bottom:0; margin-top:0px; padding:3px 0 3px 0; } td.WTabnavigation td { list-style:none; text-decoration:none; } td.WTabnavigation li, #megaheader .TIwebenchPanel li { float:left; cursor:pointer; text-align:center; padding-bottom:3px !important; margin:0 1px -1px 2px !important; } .WnavigationActive .tabpwr { color:#cc0000; } .webenchd div.TIwebenchPanel { width:300px !important; height:240px; border:2px solid #5e5e5e; font-size:12px; } .TIwebenchPanel br { line-height:1em; } .TIwebenchPanel .WTabnavigation a { color:#333; } .webenchd h2 { font-size:1.4em; } .webenchd img { position:absolute; top:0; right:0; } /* search and product folder panels */ @media screen and (max-width: 640px) { .search .wbsearch-panel-left { max-width: 30em; } .search .wbsearch-panel-right { max-width: 20em; }} @media screen and (max-width: 1300px) { .search .wbsearch-panel-left { width: 100%; } .search .wbsearch-panel-right { width: 100%; }} .search .wbsearch-panel, .search .wbsearch-panel-size, .folder .wbpanel { background: white none repeat scroll 0 0; border: 1px solid #d5dedf; } .search .wbsearch-panel-size, .folder .wbpanel { width: 325px; } .search .wbsearch-panel h3, .search .wbsearch-panel-size h3, .folder .wbpanel h3, .folder .wbtools { background: #f0f0f0 none repeat scroll 0 0; color: #333; font-size: 1em; padding: 0.5em; text-align: left; vertical-align: middle; } .search .wbsearch-panel-table, .folder .wbpanel-table { width:100%; margin-bottom:1em !important; } .search .wbsearch-panel-table td, .folder .wbpanel-table td { border: 0px; padding: 0.25em; } .search .wbsearch-panel-table .vtop, .folder .wbpanel-table .vtop { vertical-align: top; } .search .wbsearch-panel-inner, .folder .wbpanel-inner { padding: 0 0.5em; } .search .wbsearch-panel-inner .row { margin-bottom: 0.25em;} .search .wbsearch-panel-inner .wbsearch-panel-left, .wbsearch-panel-inner .wbsearch-panel-right { float: left !important; } .search .wbsearch-panel-inner .wbsearch-panel-left { min-width: 20em; } .folder #wbpanel { margin-top: 1em; } .search .wbsearch-panel .required, .search .wbsearch-panel-size .required, .folder .wbpanel .required { color: #cc0000; } .search .wbsearch-panel .dial-footprint, .search .wbsearch-panel-size .dial-footprint, .folder .wbpanel .dial-footprint { color: #D83A1F; font-weight: 600; } .search .wbsearch-panel .dial-bomcost, .search .wbsearch-panel-size .dial-bomcost, .folder .wbpanel .dial-bomcost { color: #008800; font-weight: 600; } .search .wbsearch-panel .dial-efficiency, .search .wbsearch-panel-size .dial-efficiency, .folder .wbpanel .dial-efficiency { color: #1084D2; font-weight: 600; } .search .wbsearch-panel .dial-footprint-input, .search .wbsearch-panel-size .dial-footprint-input, .folder .wbpanel .dial-footprint-input { border-color: #D83A1F; } .search .wbsearch-panel .dial-bomcost-input, .search .wbsearch-panel-size .dial-bomcost-input, .folder .wbpanel .dial-bomcost-input { border-color: #008800; } .search .wbsearch-panel .dial-efficiency-input, .search .wbsearch-panel-size .dial-efficiency-input, .folder .wbpanel .dial-efficiency-input { border-color: #1084D2; } .search .wbsearch-panel input[type="number"] { width: 60px; } /* Webench Power Designer modal */ #wb-interactiveRows { margin: 2em 1em; max-width: 630px !important; min-width: 600px !important; } #wb-compare-interactiveRows { margin: 2em 1em; max-width: 1212px; } #navigationIcons { text-align: center; margin: 0; padding: 3px; width: 70px; font-size: 0.7em; font-weight: 600; } #navigationIcons .active { color: teal; font-weight: 800; } #navigationIcons .active img { border: 1px solid teal; border-radius: 1em; } #navigationIcons .compare { color: #cc0000; } #navigationIcons img { height: 43px; width: 43px; cursor: pointer; margin: 10px 0 0 0; } #secondaryData, #secondaryData2 { float: left; margin-top: 10px; background: #f0f0f0 none repeat scroll 0 0; border: 1px solid #5e5e5e; } /* new webench panel */ #webench { font-size:12.6px; width: 325px; } /* 6 col grid */ #webench .col-1, #webench .col-2, #webench .col-3, #webench .col-4, #webench .col-5, #webench .col-6, .col-h5, .col-h7 { float: left; position: relative; } #webench .col-1{width: 16.666666%} #webench .col-2{width: 33.333333%} #webench .push-1{left: 16.666666%;} #webench .push-2{left: 33.333333%;} #webench .col-3{width:50%;} #webench .push-3{left:50%;} #webench .col-4{width:66.6666%;} #webench .col-6{width:100%;} #webench .col-h5{width:41.6666%;} #webench .col-h7{width:58.3333%;} #webench .row{ padding: 0 .6em; margin:0 0 0.4em; } #webench ul, #webench li{ padding: 0; margin: 0; background:none; } #webench ul.wb-menu > li.active{ background-color:transparent; z-index: 2; } #webench label { vertical-align: top; } #webench .wb-menu-wrapper{ position: absolute; z-index: 3; /*display: block;*/ } /*#webench .wb-menu-wrapper{ display: none; position: absolute; z-index: 3; }*/ #webench #content-wrapper{ width: 100%; } #webench #wb-content-collector{ width: 1000%; min-height: 340px; } #webench #power{ background: #555 url(https://webench.ti.com/ti/wbpanels/img/webench_icons_sprite.png) no-repeat 0 0; } #webench #fpga{ background: #555 url(https://webench.ti.com/ti/wbpanels/img/webench_icons_sprite.png) no-repeat 0 -50px; } #webench #led{ background: #555 url(https://webench.ti.com/ti/wbpanels/img/webench_icons_sprite.png) no-repeat 0 -100px; } #webench #filters{ background: #555 url(https://webench.ti.com/ti/wbpanels/img/webench_icons_sprite.png) no-repeat 0 -150px; } #webench #clocks{ background: #555 url(https://webench.ti.com/ti/wbpanels/img/webench_icons_sprite.png) no-repeat 0 -200px; } #webench #sensors{ background: #555 url(https://webench.ti.com/ti/wbpanels/img/webench_icons_sprite.png) no-repeat 0 -250px; } #webench #interface{ background: #555 url(https://webench.ti.com/ti/wbpanels/img/webench_icons_sprite.png) no-repeat 0 -300px; } #webench #reference{ background: #555 url(https://webench.ti.com/ti/wbpanels/img/webench_icons_sprite.png) no-repeat 0 -350px; } #webench #battery{ background: #555 url(https://webench.ti.com/ti/wbpanels/img/webench_icons_sprite.png) no-repeat 0 -400px; } #webench #amplifier{ background: #555 url(https://webench.ti.com/ti/wbpanels/img/webench_icons_sprite.png) no-repeat 0 -450px; } #webench #help{ background: #555 url(https://webench.ti.com/ti/wbpanels/img/webench_icons_sprite.png) no-repeat 0 -500px; } #webench #power.active{ background: #f6f6f6 url(https://webench.ti.com/ti/wbpanels/img/webench_icons_sprite.png) no-repeat -50px 0; } #webench #fpga.active{ background: #f6f6f6 url(https://webench.ti.com/ti/wbpanels/img/webench_icons_sprite.png) no-repeat -50px -50px; } #webench #led.active{ background: #f6f6f6 url(https://webench.ti.com/ti/wbpanels/img/webench_icons_sprite.png) no-repeat -50px -100px; } #webench #filters.active{ background: #f6f6f6 url(https://webench.ti.com/ti/wbpanels/img/webench_icons_sprite.png) no-repeat -50px -150px; } #webench #clocks.active{ background: #f6f6f6 url(https://webench.ti.com/ti/wbpanels/img/webench_icons_sprite.png) no-repeat -50px -200px; } #webench #sensors.active{ background: #f6f6f6 url(https://webench.ti.com/ti/wbpanels/img/webench_icons_sprite.png) no-repeat -50px -250px; } #webench #interface.active{ background: #f6f6f6 url(https://webench.ti.com/ti/wbpanels/img/webench_icons_sprite.png) no-repeat -50px -300px; } #webench #reference.active{ background: #f6f6f6 url(https://webench.ti.com/ti/wbpanels/img/webench_icons_sprite.png) no-repeat -50px -350px; } #webench #battery.active{ background: #f6f6f6 url(https://webench.ti.com/ti/wbpanels/img/webench_icons_sprite.png) no-repeat -50px -400px; } #webench #amplifier.active{ background: #f6f6f6 url(https://webench.ti.com/ti/wbpanels/img/webench_icons_sprite.png) no-repeat -50px -450px; } #webench #help.active{ background: #f6f6f6 url(https://webench.ti.com/ti/wbpanels/img/webench_icons_sprite.png) no-repeat -50px -500px; } #webench .wb-menu li{ background: #555 no-repeat center center; width: 28px; height:30px; border:none; display: block; margin-bottom: 1px; cursor: pointer; } #webench .wb-menu li div{ display: none; } #webench h3.heading{ line-height: 30px; margin:0; } #webench input[type="text"] { margin-right: 1px; width: 45px; } /* button styles repeated from ticom5 to allow for placerment on tird party sites */ #webench{ position: relative; overflow: hidden; } #webench .wb-head{ vertical-align: text-top; border-color: transparent; background: #e3e3e3; border-top-left-radius: .4em; border-top-right-radius: .4em; border-bottom: 2px solid #ccc; padding: .6em .9em; } #webench .wb-head #mydesign{ float: right; padding:.2em 0; } #webench .wb-head a#headTitle { color:#222; font-size:1.2em; font-weight: 600; } #webench .wb-content{ z-index:1; background: transparent; position: relative; overflow: hidden; float: left; width: 11.1111%; -webkit-transition: all .3s ease-out; transition: all .3s ease-out; } #webench .wb-content{ padding: 0 0 12px 28px; } #wb-content-collector{ background: #f6f6f6; width:2160px;; position: relative; overflow: hidden; -webkit-transition: all .3s ease-out; transition:all .3s ease-out; left:0; display: -ms-flexbox; display: -webkit-flex; display: -moz-flex; display: flex; -webkit-align-items: stretch; -moz-align-items: stretch; -ms-align-items: stretch; align-items: stretch; } #wb-content-collector.power{ left:0; } #wb-content-collector.fpga{ left:-100%; } #wb-content-collector.led{ left:-200%; } #wb-content-collector.filters{ left:-300%; } #wb-content-collector.clocks{ left:-400%; } #wb-content-collector.sensors{ left:-500%; } #wb-content-collector.interface{ left:-600%; } #wb-content-collector.reference{ left:-700%; } #wb-content-collector.battery{ left:-800%; } #wb-content-collector.amplifier{ left:-900%; } #webench .wb-pwr-type, #webench .wb-led-type{ width: 200%; position: relative; left:0; -webkit-transition: all .3s ease-out; transition:all .3s ease-out; } #webench .wb-pwr-ac, #webench .wb-pwr-dc, #webench .wb-led-ac, #webench .wb-led-dc{ float: left; opacity: 0; -webkit-transition: all .3s ease-out; transition:all .3s ease-out; position: relative; } #webench .wb-frm{ width: 50%; float: left; clear: none; } #webench .wb-frm.active { opacity: 1; } #webench .wb-pwr-type.active, .wb-led-type.active{ left:-100%; } #webench .wb-frm li{ vertical-align: bottom; overflow: hidden; position: relative; } #webench .wb-frm li:not(:last-child){ margin-bottom: .8em; } #webench .lt-ie9 .wb-frm li{ margin-bottom: .8em; } #webench .wb-frm li.blank{ height: 5px; } #webench .wb-radioInpt h5{ text-align: right; padding: 0 .5em 0 0; } #wb-tmp-btn{ left:-100%; transition:all .2s; -webkit-transition:all .2s; } #wb-tmp-btn+.col-3{ left:100%; transition:all .2s; -webkit-transition:all .2s; } #wb-tmp-btn.active{left: 50%;} #wb-tmp-btn+.col-3.active{left: 0%;} /* help line */ #webench a.help+h5{ line-height: 15px; } #webench a.help { background:url(https://webench.ti.com/ti/wbpanels/img/wb-help-sprite.png) no-repeat 0 2px; float: left; padding-left: 17px; padding-bottom: 0.6em; } /*interface tab*/ #webench .wb-interface.wb-content select { min-width: 175px; } /*battery tab*/ #wb-batteryForm input[type=number] { width: 50px; } #webench .unit{ font-size: .9em; color: #999; padding: 0 2px; } img#wb_opImage { position: relative; }